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Outdoor Playgrounds: Why Every School Needs One

Outdoor Playgrounds: Why Every School Needs One

The importance of outdoor playgrounds at school is undeniable as it allows children to learn while they play. Playgrounds encourage a healthy lifestyle choice by allowing children the freedom to use their physical abilities in a structured environment. Well-designed school playgrounds offer a wealth of benefits, including helping kids become independent and adaptable; they allow them to be more active and learn how to socialize.

Outdoor playgrounds offer all these advantages and more. We’ll examine each of them more closely so you can understand why outdoor playgrounds are essential to schools.

Benefits of Outdoor School Playgrounds

Helps Kids Learn New Skills & Improve Old Skils

School playgrounds provide children with an opportunity to learn new skills, make new connections, and build friendships. It allows students to enhance academic and behavioural skills by allowing children to engage in problem-solving activities under safe and supervised conditions.

Children can also develop social skills like taking turns and communicating effectively when they play in well-designed playgrounds. Playing in these play spaces allows children to use body language and non-verbal cues to get their point across and communicate their needs effectively.

Promotes Physical Activity

Outdoor playgrounds aren’t just an activity area for recesses. They are designed to promote physical wellness and get children moving. Playground equipment should include low-impact surfaces that allow students to engage in structured physical activities while learning problem-solving skills. More physical activity leads to improved brain function; The more physically active a child is, the better their brain functions.

Improves Physical & Mental Health

Health and fitness are essential to overall good health, and school playground equipment can help students accomplish that. Playgrounds provide a space for children to exercise, and when students that participate in physical activity regularly develop healthier bodies and minds.

According to experts, physical activity is crucial for kids’ mental health. Research indicates that the lack of physical activity in childhood may lead to increased risks of poor academic performance and depression.

Encourages Imagination & Increases Creativity

Playgrounds give children a chance to use their imagination by playing with other children, creating stories, and playing pretend. Outdoor playgrounds spark their creativity and allow them to be whoever they want to be for that moment. By providing them with exciting playgrounds, they get to live out their imagination.

Gives Them a Sense of Community

Outdoor playgrounds are a community in themselves. Where children can come together and play. It provides them with a chance to chat with children that might not be in their class, learning how to interact as a community, allowing children to build critical thinking and leadership skills that will give them a base to build off when they grow up and enter new communities.

Get Outside

For families or kids, outdoor playgrounds offer a fantastic opportunity to spend time outdoors together. They provide an environment where families can engage in group activities, develop skills, and socialize together. Many studies have shown that kids who have access to nature and recreational opportunities tend to do better in school, have fewer behavioural problems, and exhibit a higher sense of personal responsibility. Additionally, outdoor play spaces provide a natural opportunity to build friendships outside of the school classroom.

With all these incredible benefits, you can see why it’s so important for schools to have outdoor playgrounds. If you are interested in building a custom playground for your students, or your children, contact SPI Plastics today.

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

Business Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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