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How to Get Your Outdoor Playground Ready for the Busy Summer Months

Colorful outdoor playground in a city

The calendar has turned, the days are getting longer, and a thrum of excitement is in the air—summer is almost here. Families and children are eagerly counting down the days toward warm weather and boundless outdoor adventures. For many kids, summer signifies one thing above all else: endless days on the playground, swinging, sliding, and climbing. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips for getting your outdoor playground ready for the busy summer months so that children can have a safe and enjoyable play experience.

Playground Maintenance Is Key

Like any play space that sees heavy use, your outdoor playground requires thoughtful preparation to ensure safety and enjoyment for all visitors. Playground maintenance isn’t the most glamorous task, but it’s a critical step in getting your playground summer-ready.

General Safety Checks

Inspect for Wear and Tear: Begin by examining every inch of your play structures. Identify any signs of deterioration—whether it’s splintered wood, cracked plastic, or shredded rappelling ropes.

Ensure Fall Zones Are Clear: Remove debris or sharp objects from fall zones to prevent injury. Now is also a good time to measure your fall zones to ensure they still meet safety guidelines.

Check for Tightness and Stability: Ensure all fasteners and fastening systems are secure. A wobbly ladder or a loose bolt can quickly turn into a hazard.

Deep Cleaning

Use the Right Cleaning Solutions: Wood, metal, and rubber components each require different cleaning agents. For example, mild soap and water may suffice for wooden structures, while rubber mats may require a specific cleaner.

Disinfect High-Touch Zones: Play equipment, especially those with high-touch points such as slides and handrails, should be disinfected regularly to prevent the spread of germs.

Clean Up Surrounding Areas: Don’t forget about the areas surrounding your playground. Sweep up any leaves or debris, and trim back tree branches that may pose a hazard to play structures.

Repairs and Replacements

Address Minor Repairs Promptly: It’s not uncommon for playground equipment to experience minor wear and tear throughout the year. Address these issues promptly before they become bigger problems.

Consult Professionals for Major Issues: A structural weakness is not a DIY fix. If in doubt, contact a professional to assess and repair any major problems. Safety should always come first.

Updating Old Features

Just because something isn’t new doesn’t mean it can’t shine. Upgrading and maintaining the classics can provide a sense of nostalgia while ensuring your play space remains modern and safe.

Fresh Paint Job: The right paint can refresh the look of your playground and protect it from the elements. Look for paints that are certified for outdoor use and safe for children. Consider adding bright, cheerful colours or incorporating a theme.

Inclusive Design: Think about how you can update existing elements to make them accessible to all children. Ensure that any creative additions don’t impede the safety or operation of the playground.

New Features for Summer Fun

With the basics covered, it’s time to think about adding exciting new elements and playground equipment that can enhance the play experience. This could be the season you set your playground apart from the rest.

New Play Areas Features

Unleash Imagination with a Theme: Design a play area that transports children into worlds of fantasy. From pirate ships to fairy gardens, themed environments can inspire hours of imaginative play.

Appeal to Sensory Needs: Consider adding elements that engage the senses—such as musical instruments or water features—without compromising the space’s safety.

Physical Challenges and Engagement: Balance beams, climbers, and stepping stones can provide opportunities for physical exercise and skill development.

Consider Different Age Groups and Abilities: An engaging playground is one that offers challenges appropriate for children spanning a wide range of developmental stages.

Shade and Seating

Create Sheltered Areas: Protecting little ones (and their supervisors) from the sun is imperative, whether with natural elements like trees or purpose-built shade structures.

Comfort for Companions: Benches or seating should be available in close proximity to the play areas and constructed with comfort in mind, with the added benefit of fostering community among caregivers.

In Conclusion

The effort you put into maintaining and updating your outdoor playground will be repaid in the laughter, smiles, and memories created there. A safe and innovative play space is not only a source of boundless fun for children but also a community asset that promotes physical well-being and social interaction.

If you are looking to update your playground, SPI Plastics has a wide range of playground equipment that is durable, safe, and fun for all children. Contact us today to learn more!

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

Business Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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