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How to Choose the Perfect Playground Equipment For Your School

When it comes to your school’s playground, choosing the right equipment can be a challenge. You want to make sure that you pick something that will keep your students safe, provide plenty of activity and entertainment, and fit within your budget. But with so many options on the market today for outdoor play equipment, how do you choose what’s best for your students? In this blog post, we’ll show you how to pick the perfect playground equipment for your school so that everyone can have an enjoyable time on the playground! We will also give you the benefits of having a playground at your school, so you can see the many advantages that come with investing in playground equipment.

Tips for Picking Playground Equipment

Picking playground equipment for your school can seem like a daunting task, but with these tips, you’ll have no trouble choosing the right playground equipment for your students.

#1 – Start By Assessing Your Needs and Budget

Every school has different needs when it comes to playground equipment, so make sure that you take into account the age of your students, what activities they enjoy doing on the playground, and any special features or materials that need to be considered (such as wheelchair accessibility or environmental considerations). Also, consider how much you are able to spend on playground equipment so that you can focus on finding equipment that fits within your budget.

#2 – Consider Durability and Quality

When picking playground equipment for your school, you’ll want to make sure that the equipment is durable and well-made so that it can handle constant use by your students without breaking down or showing wear and tear. Many playgrounds are made out of plastics as these are easy to clean and maintain, and they can also be custom-designed with various colours, playground shapes, and other features.

#3 – Take Safety Into Account

Safety is always of utmost importance when it comes to playgrounds, so do your research and make sure that any playground equipment you choose adheres to all safety guidelines and standards. This will ensure that your students are protected while playing on the playground and reduce the risk of accidents or injuries.

#4 – Look For Variety in Playground Equipment

A playground can quickly become boring if it only has a few pieces of equipment, so look for playgrounds that offer various options for playing and having fun. You also want to consider playground equipment that is accessible to all students, no matter their age or physical abilities.

#5 – Consider Your Space Limitations

Finally, make sure you consider the amount of space available for playground equipment and choose a playground setup that will work well within your school’s space limitations. Some playgrounds are smaller in scale with fewer pieces of equipment, while others can be larger and feature several different playground structures.

Benefits of an Outdoor Playground at Your School

In addition to making playground time more fun and engaging for your students, playgrounds have many benefits that can impact the entire school community. Some of the top benefits of playgrounds include:

Boosting student health and fitness: Playground equipment can help students get the physical activity they need to stay healthy and build strong muscles, bones, and joints.

Providing opportunities for social interaction: Playgrounds can provide a space where students of all ages can come together, make new friends, and interact with each other in a variety of fun ways.

Promoting creativity and imagination: Through playground play, students can use their imaginations to develop creative games and activities that are both fun and engaging.


So if you’re looking for playground equipment that will keep your students safe, engaged, and entertained for years to come, be sure to consider the tips above when making your selection.

SPI Plastics can help you find the perfect playground equipment for your school. Our playgrounds are made from high-quality, durable plastics that can withstand daily use and wear and tear. And with a range of custom options available, we can work with you to design playground equipment that meets all of your needs and fits within your budget. Contact us today to learn more about our playground equipment and get started on creating the perfect playground for your school!

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

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Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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