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Guide to Updating Your Outdoor Playground

Playgrounds are a staple of childhood. They provide a fun and stimulating environment for children to explore, learn new things and make friends. If your outdoor playground is starting to feel a little outdated, don’t worry! You can easily update it with some new playground equipment or give it a makeover completely and design a new one. In this article, we will talk about the signs that it’s time for an update, what to consider when choosing new playground equipment, and the benefits of upgrading your outdoor playground!

The Signs It’s Time For An Update

Playground equipment can last anywhere from five to fifteen years. However, that doesn’t mean it won’t start to show its age after a few years. If you’ve noticed any of the following signs, it might be time for an update:


Boring for Kids: If the playground equipment is no longer exciting for kids, it might be time for a change. After all, what’s the point of having a playground if the children don’t enjoy it?

Not Safe: Safety is always the number one priority when it comes to playgrounds. If you’ve noticed any sharp edges, splinters, or rust on the equipment, it’s time for an upgrade.

Always Needs Repairs: Constant repairs can be costly and time-consuming. If you find yourself making more and more repairs, it might be cheaper, in the long run, to just get new playground equipment.

Out of Date: If the playground equipment is more than a decade old, it might be time for an update. Newer playgrounds are designed with updated safety standards in mind.

What to Consider When Choosing New Playground Equipment

When you’re ready to upgrade your playground, there are a few things you should keep in mind:


Age Range:  The playground equipment should be appropriate for the age range of the children who will be using it.

The Size of Playground: The playground equipment should be the right size for the playground. You don’t want anything too big or too small.

Your Budget: Of course, you’ll need to consider your budget when choosing new playground equipment. But don’t worry, there are plenty of options to choose from no matter how much you have to spend.

Type of Playground Equipment You want: There are many different types of playground equipment to choose from. Do you want slides, swings, monkey bars, or something else?

Playground Experience: You’ll also want to think about the overall playground experience you want to create. Do you want a nature-themed playground or a more traditional one?

Safety: Safety is always the number one priority when it comes to playgrounds. Make sure to choose playground equipment that meets all the safety standards.

Inclusiveness: You’ll also want to make sure the playground is inclusive for all children. Choose playground equipment that can be used by children with disabilities or special needs.

The Benefits of Upgrading Your Outdoor Playground

There are many benefits that come with upgrading your outdoor playground, such as:


More Fun: With new and exciting playground equipment, the children will have more fun than ever before! They’ll be excited to come back to the playground again and again.

Improved Safety: With updated playground equipment, you can be sure that the children are safe while they’re playing.

Inclusive for All Children: By choosing playground equipment that is inclusive for all children, you can create a playground that everyone can enjoy.



So, if you’re starting to see the signs that it’s time for an update, don’t hesitate! Contact SPI Plastics today and let us help you choose new playground equipment that will thrill and engage your children for years to come. Upgrading your outdoor playground is a decision that you won’t regret!

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

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Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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