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From Concept to Reality: SPI Plastics Process of Creating a Custom Playground

Custom playground

As kids, one of our favourite things to do was to visit the park and play on the playground. As adults, we still hold on to that love for these outdoor spaces but have a better understanding of the thought and effort that goes into their design. Designing a custom playground involves a lot more than simply placing a few pieces of equipment in an open space. It is a complex process that requires careful planning, collaboration, and innovation to create a space that is not only fun but safe and functional as well. In this article, we will take a closer look at the steps involved in designing a custom playground at SPI Plastics and the considerations that need to be made to bring your vision to life.

The Design Process

Step One: Brainstorming with the Client

Designing a custom playground begins with a brainstorming session with the client, which is the first step of the design process. During this session, we gain an understanding of what the client wants to see in their custom playground. We consider the age group, the budget, the type of playground equipment they want and any additional requirements. We ask the client questions to help us gain as much information as possible to create the best custom playground possible. Through brainstorming with the client, we are able to determine the goals, constraints, and requirements for the project.

Step Two: Create the Design

After gathering all the necessary information from the client, we proceed to the second stage of the design process, which is creating a design. Our designers put their creativity to work to develop a unique and innovative design that meets the requirements established in the first step. The custom playground design includes specifications like size, colour, and other details. It is essential for us to ensure that the design meets both safety requirements and the client’s expectations.

Step Three: Design Adjustments & Approval

Once the design is complete, we present it to the client for feedback. The client may ask for adjustments before the final approval of the design. We take their feedback into account and make any necessary adjustments to create the perfect custom playground. Once the client approves the final design, we proceed with the manufacturing process.

Creating the Playground with Rotational Molding

Step One: Designing the Mold

In the first step of creating the custom playground, we design the mold. This means we create a model for the playground that will be used to create a mold. The mold is a critical part of the manufacturing process that determines the exact shape, size, and texture of the plastic playground equipment.

Step Two: Rotational Molding Process

The second step is the rotational molding process used to create the custom playground. Rotational molding is a manufacturing process that involves heating plastic resin inside a mold until it liquefies. The liquid plastic is then rotated around the mold until it solidifies and takes the shape of the mold. This manufacturing process ensures that the final product is made of high-quality, durable plastic.

Step Three: Finishing and Assembling the Playground

Once the custom playground pieces are molded, they undergo finishing and assembly. This step includes sanding the edges of the pieces and assembling them according to the design. The final product is then tested to ensure that it meets local and national safety standards.

The Benefits of Plastic Playgrounds By SPI Plastics


Plastic playgrounds are known for their durability. They are designed to withstand tough weather conditions and rough play. They are also resistant to corrosion, rust, and other factors that could cause them to damage. This means they can last for years without needing any major repairs, reducing maintenance costs for the client.


Safety is a top concern for SPI Plastics. All our custom playgrounds are manufactured to meet or exceed safety standards set by the relevant authorities. The design process takes into consideration any safety risks, and the use of high-quality materials in manufacturing ensures that the playground is durable and safe for kids to play on.


The beauty of creating custom playgrounds is that they can be designed to meet specific client needs. This includes customizing the colour scheme, the size, and the type of equipment used. SPI Plastics specializes in providing clients with unique custom playgrounds that set them apart in their community.


Designing a custom playground involves many elements, from the initial brainstorming and design stages to the manufacturing process and finishing touches. At SPI Plastics, we take all these steps in our stride and work with our clients to provide top-quality custom playgrounds that meet their specific requirements. With durability, safety, and customization, SPI Plastics’ custom playgrounds are perfect for any community looking to create an outdoor space for kids to enjoy. Contact us today to learn more about our custom playground services.

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

Business Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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