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Creating an Outdoor Playground

playground equipment

Designing a beautiful and safe outdoor playground requires a lot of time, research, and commitment. The process can seem difficult, but the results are rewarding. It keeps children entertained and frees parents from the stress of having to find something to do.

Outdoor playgrounds provide a safe environment for children to play freely. It also challenges them in different ways and can teach them new skills.

How to Design Outdoor Playgrounds

  1. Proposed Playground Site

The location is key when it comes to an outdoor playground and it’s important to take the time to determine precisely where you need to install it.

If you are uncertain, you can ask a professional team like SPI to help. Our experts can help you evaluate the general terrain, show you how to make accurate measurements, check drainage channels, slopes, etc. We can help determine if the site is large enough to have an outdoor playground or how big of a playground you can install.

  1. Choose Your Playground Equipment

Playground equipment is a great tool to help children learn and grow, but to do so, it needs to be attractive and inspiring. Selecting the right equipment and accessories is very important, and there are endless types of  unique designs and shapes that can inspire children to use their thoughts. Even the simplest playground can be transformed into an exciting environment for children with the right equipment.

  1. Create a Safe Space for Play with Natural Elements

Engaging children with outdoor play helps them learn about their surroundings and can teach them about the environment. Outdoor playgrounds can sometimes share their space with critters or birds and a child can interact up close or from a distance with these creatures.

To help encourage this interaction, you can incorporate a fun garden around the outdoor playground with various plants. This garden will draw in creatures that a child can watch and interact with. This will also help expand their interest in the world around them.

  1. Make room for secrets and surprises

Children are interested in the little miracles of the world. During the design process, add a little surprise or areas where they can play freely. Creating areas where they can draw or paint are a fun way to make the playground more interactive. You can also create secret hideaways, exciting textures, handles and levers, peepholes, unexpected sounds, and talking pipes to keep the playground fascinating. These details are easy to lose or forget when you’re creating an outdoor playground so be sure to prioritize them in your design.


A great outdoor playground starts with great design, and a great playground design begins with research. SPI’s design philosophy drives us to create the best products and playgrounds that everyone can enjoy and we are committed to helping you create a playground that will encourage children to explore and play.

Contact us at for more information right now!

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

Business Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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