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8 Reasons Why Livestock Waterers Are So Useful for Farmers

If you’re like most farmers, you are always looking for ways to improve your farm and the lives of your animals. Investing in a livestock waterer is one way to accomplish both of those things. Livestock Waterers provide a number of benefits for farmers, which is why they are so popular. In this blog post, we will cover eight of the top reasons why livestock waterers are so useful!

What is a Livestock Waterer?

livestock waterer is a device that provides water to livestock automatically. They are often made from polyethylene which is a durable, corrosion-free material that can withstand extreme weather conditions. Livestock waterers also come in a variety of sizes and shapes to accommodate the different needs of farmers.

Eight Reasons Why Livestock Waterers Are So Useful

Now that we know what livestock waterers are, let’s take a look at some of the top reasons why they are so useful for farmers.

Save Time

One of the most obvious benefits of livestock waterers is that they save farmers a lot of time. Instead of having to manually fill up water troughs multiple times a day, livestock waterers do it automatically. This frees up valuable time for farmers to focus on other tasks around the farm.

Reduce Stress

Another benefit of livestock waterers is that they help reduce stress for both animals and farmers. Animals that have access to fresh water are less likely to become dehydrated or sick, which can lead to a decrease in stress levels. For farmers, livestock waterers mean one less thing to worry about on a daily basis.

Improve Animal Health

By always having access to fresh water, livestock waterers can help improve the overall health of animals. This is because dehydration can lead to a number of health problems, such as heat stress, weight loss, and decreased milk production.

Provides Safe Water

Since the water is always moving, livestock waterers provide a safe source of water for animals. This is because stagnant water can become contaminated with bacteria, which can make animals sick. So, by investing in a livestock waterer, you are also investing in the health of your animals.

Reduce Water Waste

Livestock waterers also help reduce water waste on farms. This is because they only provide the amount of water that animals need, which prevents water from being wasted.

Fewer Mosquitos

Another advantage of livestock waterers is that they can help reduce the number of mosquitos on a farm. This is because standing water is one of the main breeding grounds for mosquitos. So, by using a livestock waterer, you can help reduce the mosquito population on your farm.

No More Frozen Water

One of the biggest concerns for farmers during the winter is frozen water. This can be a big problem because it can prevent animals from having access to fresh water. However, livestock waterers are designed to prevent water from freezing, which means that your animals will always have access to fresh water, no matter what the temperature is outside.


Last but not least, livestock waterers are just plain convenient. They provide a hassle-free way for farmers to provide water to their animals. And, since they come in a variety of sizes and shapes, there is sure to be a livestock waterer that meets the specific needs of your farm.


With all these incredible benefits, it’s no wonder that livestock waterers are so popular among farmers. If you are interested in purchasing livestock waterers for your farm, SPI Plastics has a variety of options to choose from. Contact us today to learn more!

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
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